"Dead On Arrival" is an interactive photographic comic with a story loosely based upon a 1940's film noir of the same name (D.O.A.). The focus of the story is a man, David Warrington, who is reporting his own murder, with much of it told in flashback filling in the details of before he was fatally poisoned and how he found out who did it. Evidently the styling and visuals have been largely inspired by the film noir genre, as has the story which was written for this project.

The manner in which story unfolds is interactive, with a point in the story where the user can select the suspect who they believe poisoned Mr Warrington and thus affect the path the story follows from that point. Users are also able to view character profiles for several key characters within the narrative at any given time, where they can find more about the key characters and specific downloads for that character.

The intention of the project, created for a University Project with Geoffery Gaviria, was to make use of the flash medium to intergrate some video, animation, music and of course interactivity to a medium which is traditionally static and linear (I.e. Comics). I would like to thank all of the people who participated in this project. The fully accessible/screen reader friendly version of the project is under way and a working version of this XHTML/CSS version of Dead On Arrival can be found here.

Dead On Arrival was lucky enough to win the extremely prestigious BIMA best student project category at the 23rd British Interactive Media Association Awards. Geoff & I were extremely proud to win and to be recognised alongside so many industry leaders. The awards ceremony took place at the Midnight Gardens in the Truman Galleries in East London and was fantastic evening.

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